November 24, 2005

The Giving Of Thanks

My loving family. My health. My happiness. My car. The beautiful area in which I live. The job. My supportive friends. My friendly co-workers. My amazing girlfriend. The ability to run. To walk. To laugh and cry. To speak. Hear. Taste and see. The sadness of sunsets. The rebirth of sunrise. To touch and feel. Feel and think. Think and grow. To learn. To love. And learn from love. The music that fills my life. The life in my music. So that I may run. Bike. Swim. Eat. Sleep. And dream such wonderful dreams. The nieces. The nephews. The mothers. Fathers. Sisters and brothers. My grandparents. And grandfather. And grandfather. My grandfather. The serenity in silence. The joy of noise. The mountains and trees and oceans of beauty. The gifts I’ve given. And those received. The touching of a child’s hand on mine. The godson. And god-daughter. And God’s ceaseless giving. My joy. My luck. My utter, complete happiness. The smiles. And tears. The screams and silence. The yin and yang of me. My bike, my shoes. My safety. Security. Solitude. The balance. The strength. I’m strong. I’m strong. My intellect. And writing. And style. And flow. And on and on it goes.

Thank you.
Thank you.